Vacation to Birthday Land

I had a few days off from dealing with anxiety, busying myself preparing for a birthday, a couple of days of last minute shopping, wrapping, baking, icing. Things I enjoy, can do and for a birthday could immerse myself in without guilt.  Then a lovely long day being together as a family, living in the moment, watching presents being unwrapped, cards opened, rds, new toys played with, making and eating a special breakfast, having lunch out, popping into the museum, bumping into friends, a party in the woods, grubby children in bubbly baths. And then a day chilling at home, recovering and checking out all the new stuff.

Now to work out how to bring all that relaxed, stress free family time into everyday life..

Not doing too bad so far.  This week is pretty hectic, lots of different things happening nearly every day, but I’ve been getting sleep, remembering to breathe, trying to prioritise and dealing with stuff.  Yesterday was a 3/10 anxious day , but I did some stuff.  And today is 2/10 on my new anxiety scale, plus I did all but one thing on my to do list, read emails and answered the phone twice.  Yay progress. And we had a family discussion about the next couple of days and have agreed to have a games night on Friday to make up for all the hecticness this week and a swim on Saturday morning.